Rules and Regulations 

  • Please do not leave your belongings unattended. WSE will not be responsible for the loss or theft of personal property.
  • Show respect for all staff and students by acting and dressing appropriately.
  • Violent behavior or threatening language will not be permitted.
  • Inappropriate public displays of affection are prohibited.
  • Students are restricted from entering “Staff only” areas.
  • Spitting, littering, smoking, or drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited in the center.
  • Students are prohibited from causing damage to the facility or WSE’s property.
  • It is prohibited to use mobile phones or computers when a staff member deems the device to be a disruptive influence.
  • No full meals or smelly foods are allowed in the center.
  • No speaking loudly in the Speaking Center or while classes are in session.
  • No drugs, weapons, or items capable of inflicting harm are allowed in the center.  
  • Mobile phones are not allowed in any classes without the expressed consent of the teacher.
  • Using social media or playing games in the Learning Center is not permitted.
  • During public holidays, only online classes and ML and DW are accessible to the Student.
  • The Student ensures that the Student shall have all the necessary electronic equipment and a stable internet connection with an appropriate speed for online learning according to the Minimum Technical Requirements specified on WSE’s website at the following link: WSE will not be responsible if the Student cannot receive the expected learning experience due to the Student’s inability to meet those minimum technical requirements.
  • Guests are required to wait in the reception area unless they are joining Social Classes or center events.

Rules and regulations to ensure Good Study Habits:

  • Speaking English is strongly encouraged at all times.
  • Always follow the WSE Good Study Habits as advised by WSE Staff.
  • To join Encounter Classes, students must follow the WSE lesson completion recommendations.
  • To ensure learning quality and maintain good study habits, the minimum interval between Encounter Classes is 10 days.
  • When the Student has scheduled an Encounter class, the Student must attend such class at the scheduled time. If the Student needs to change or cancel a scheduled Encounter class, it must be done at least 24 hours before the scheduled start time. If the Student does not attend the scheduled Encounter class or cancels the class less than 24 hours before the scheduled start time, the number of SC/CC classes of the Student’s current level shall be reduced by one SC/CC class.  
  • The Student understood and agreed that the above rules and regulations are subject to changes from time to time at WSE’s sole discretion and shall be updated on WSE’s website at the following link:

Minimum Technology Requirements

General Requirements

  • Internet connection which allows downloads of 1 Mbps
  • Email Address
  • Computer or Tablet should have full internet access without limited by a proxy or firewall for the WSE’s sites

Core Course and Digital Classroom

Video Display

1024 x 768 or higher resolution is recommended

Browser Support

Highly Recommended: Google Chrome latest version

Support in: Edge latest

(Note: Users can access Core Course alone in both Firefox and Safari browsers. But if they want to join a Session in Digital Classroom, they should use Google Chrome or Edge browser. Digital Classroom won’t function in Firefox and Safari browsers)

Computer and Peripherals

Highly recommended to use PC/Laptop with 2GB RAM along with external speakers, inbuilt mic, or headset with integrated microphone and/or internal and external camera

Pop Ups and Permissions

  • Allow pop-up windows from all WSE’s sites [at Browser]
  • Allow access to the microphone and camera when asked from the domain [at Browser]

Operating Systems

  • Microsoft Windows 7
  • Microsoft Windows 8 or 1
  • Microsoft Windows 10 or later
  • Mac OS X 12.6 or later
  • Keep Operating Systems up to date

Learn English and Digital Classroom App

  • iOS: iOS 11 or later [iPhone/iPad]
  • Android: Android 8 or later
  • General Phone and Tablet, regardless of Operating System: Allow ”User Permission” that is related to Camera and Microphone